Angie Brennan
Birthday: July
Hometown: Kingston,
Ontario, Canada
1. Are you a
Twilight fan, Vampire Diaries fan, or both? I am a fan of both series.
2. What is your
favorite moment from either – or both - series? Twilight: My favourite moment in Twilight is
the prom scene for movies and the books... I just loved all so I can't pick one
favourite from them. TVD: Love Love Love the Elana and Damon hot scenes ... and the Klaus sex scene...
3. If you could
meet ANY member from either cast, who would it be and why? I would love to meet Ian Somerhalder or
Joseph Morgan because they are obviously cute but also because they seem pretty
entertaining in most of the interviews and events they attend.
4. Do you like to
read? If so, what are you reading right now? I love to read!! I am currently reading The
Beautiful Creatures series.
What are you most looking forward to doing during
Mystic Falls at Twilight Girls Getaway? Well besides FINALLY meeting Jamie and Cami.... Also I am
looking forward to all the fun events that have been planned with the
celebrities! I can't wait to meet everyone from the page and getting away for
some girl time!